Installing and running HPO Workbench

The following sections explain how to install HPO Workbench on Mac, Windows, and linux. The final section explains how to setup the program (the HPO data files need to be downloaded upon initial use of the program).


Download the latest version of HPOWorkbench.jar from You can run the program by double-clicking on this file (Prerequisite: Java version 16 or higher must be installed on your Mac). You can also start the app from the command line as follows.

$ java -jar HPOWorkbench.jar


Download the latest version of HPOWorkbench.exe from You can run the program by double-clicking on this file (Prerequisite: Java version 16 or higher must be installed on your machine).


Linux users can follow the instructions given above for Macintosh. Alternatively, they can build the HPO Workbench from source. To do so, clone the GitHub repository, and build HPO Workbench using maven.

$ git clone
$ cd HPOworkbench
$ mvn clean package

This will create an executable jar file. It may be convenient to move the file to the current working directory (or someplace on the PATH).

$ mv hpowbgui/target/HpoWorkbench.jar .
$ java -jar HpoWorkbench.jar